Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached
June 2019 Update
Let’s start this update with info about our family as this year is a crazy one for the Jentes Haus.
Last week, our son Kevin graduated with honors from Los Alamitos High School! We are proud of him achieving this milestone. Over the summer he will be working with a STEM Day Camp and in the fall he will head out to Indiana to attend Grace College.
Speaking of school, our oldest daughter Kayla is still plugging away at her doctorate in Chiropractic and planning her December wedding!
Speaking of weddings, in just a few days, our oldest son Korey will be getting married to his high school sweetheart Kaelyn! We are delighted for this upcoming celebration and I was honored that they asked me to officiate the service. It will be a SoCal wedding and then they will head this fall back to Indiana as they work on finishing up at Grace College.
Our youngest, Katja completed her school year last week, and earlier this year was selected to be part of a Summer Drum and Bugle Corp called Blue Devils. She has already begun rehearsals and will be heading to the Bay Area for more training and a summer tour!
Whew it is crazy in our world…and so thanks for praying for our kids, and for my amazing wife, Dr. Mindi, who is still running her own Chiropractic office in this zaniness!
Church Planting
As if we didn’t have enough this year, in February we were sent out to plant a new church! Over the last few months, we’ve been plugging along connecting with people and seeking to live our our faith in our new church expression. We envisioned meeting in the park regularly, but weather has been dicey and we’ve moved a bunch of Sundays to our home. The picture here is from our Easter Sunday Morning Sunrise Service which was a special time with our core community and some visitors.
Keep praying for us to sow the Gospel, make disciples and enlarge our circles! We also need financial supporters for our effort and you can see how to contribute online (where you can also track with what we are doing together!)
Encompass Mobilization Team Retreat
Atlanta, Georgia: In early May, our Mobilization Team got together for our annual planning retreat to reflect and prioritize our work for the coming year. This year our team made great strides in connecting people and churches to going and engaging the least-reached. We rejoice in what the Lord allows our humble team to do to push the Great Commission forward! [We also had fun getting out of an Egyptian Escape Room :-), see the pic! ]
Internships to Impact the Nations
One of the highlights for our mobilization team for last year was seeing nearly 2 dozen interns deployed around our world to have significant cross-cultural ministry experience. When God calls you to go, He’s not calling you to go alone. Maybe you could take your next step toward the nations with an internship…or share the opportunities with another globally interested friend! Find out more about our Encompass Internships online
Resources You Should Know About
Missions Recordings
March in Wooster, Ohio: Connect & Equip was a missions conference which I had the privilege to help coordinate. There were many great things, but the two main session messages were outstanding and worth your time to listen to!”When Safety is Satanic: Mark 8:31-35” by Matthew Ellison
Click the titles above and download these audio files (MP3s) right now, listen and be challenged…and share them with others!
Discerning Your Calling
Late last year, I had the opportunity to meet a young California couple who were seeking to go to a least-reached country in Asia. I was encouraged as they shared their story of God’s calling!
Recently, Encompass World Partners interviewed them for an article and I thought I would share an intro here: “Manuel had been interested in missions ever since he was a kid, but his wife, Rochelle, didn’t share his interest until this past year. Was this new curiosity God’s leading? And if so, where was he calling them?
Two books have been instrumental in the process of pursuing God’s call. The first is the Bible, to which the Olivas family turns daily for God’s wisdom. The second isDiscerning Your Calling by John Ward. Manuel says this book would help “anyone who is looking to serve in any capacity, whether locally or internationally. This is an excellent book that guides you step by step in discovering your specific calling to missions, and is a must read as soon as you start to feel the call to ministry.” … read the rest online
Encounter SoCal
A cross-cultural immersion experience in one of the most ethnically diverse geographic regions of the country – Southern California: If you want to come see my world and the great mission opportunities that are available in a short-term mission trip, check out Encounter SoCal online, shoot me an email and we can talk about it for the coming year!
Thanks for your support!
I wanted to thank you for your prayers, they make all the difference! Also, if you want to continue to mobilize the church for the sake of the least reached with Encompass, you can make a tax-deductible donation to support my work using the Donate button. Or you can mail a check with my name designated to “Encompass World Partners” PO Box 3298 Monument, CO 80132-3290
We are going to remain in our home in East Long Beach and seek to gather a new spiritual family in the Greater Long Beach area. We are seeking to be as sensitive as we can to the existing churches…but we know there are tens of thousands of lost people, so the fields are white for harvest in SoCal. We are thankful that Los Altos Grace is supporting and sending us to start a new church!
See below for upcoming events and opportunities that I’ll be engaging with–I hope you’ll be praying!
Church Mobilizer Network
Wooster, Ohio: On Friday of this week, I’ll be meeting with mission leaders from 10 churches around the country to encourage their global engagement. This is an invite only event, but an important opportunity for churches with massive impact!
Missions Conference
March 9, 2019 in Wooster, Ohio: Connect & Equip is a missions conference for everyone interested in missions to interact with cutting edge speakers, training, dialogue, inspiration & challenge! The time for engaging our world on mission–across the street and around the world is NOW!We believe a day of Connecting & Equipping will further what God wants to do in our world! Check out the details and register online at or at the Door!
Back to Rittman for Sunday March 10
Mission Day: Being back in Ohio will afford me the opportunity to be back at my home church in Rittman, Ohio. I’m thankful that Pastor Bud and the church family has asked me to share with the congregation at 9:30am for the Sunday School hour and also during the 10:30 Worship Service. If you are in NE Ohio I’d love to see you at Rittman Grace for Mission Day.
For the conference on RISK (FLINCH Conference), my friend and team leader John Ward & I were asked to lead a workshop on how missions and missional relate.
Here is the workshop description:
The new word missional is now everywhere in Christian-ese. The word missions has been around for centuries. These two words often create very different ministry targets. You are invited to a lively debate highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of polarizing missional and missions.
Unfortunately, this session wasn’t recorded, but I have posted the powerpoint for you to see the direction we headed with this workshop. Below is an outline with the major items of discussion:
The first exercise we had the group do was to take 5 minutes and do their best to define the two words: Missional & Missions.
I’d invite you to take a few moments and take a stab too!
Here is where John and I landed for our definitions:
Missional: The Word missional is simply the adjective form of the noun missionary, and like any adjective it is used to modify a noun.*
Missions: Missions is to move towards or go to those different than us –culturally, socially, ethnically, economically– by crossing over those barriers and sharing the gospel with the compassion and love of Jesus.
Another exercise for the group was to ask this question: Does the church have a mission or does the mission have a church?
We realize it is a “both/and” answer. Yet thinking about our God being a missional/sending God reframes our orientation to see mission as bigger than merely a “job” of the church, but to see mission as part of the very character of our God.
Along this line, we shared the following quote:
“Our task as His people is to discern what God is doing and join with Him. It is not so much that the church has a mission but that the mission has a church.”
– Alan Hirsch (The Permanent Revolution, p. 148)
Don’t we need to be reaching out in my neighborhood before we go to the rest of the globe?
The tension of Global mission and Local mission is a one that everyone sensitive to the mission of Jesus feels at a gut level.
In China, the country with the most Christians on the planet–87 million– hasn’t really made a dent in the total population of 1.3 BILLION people!** So we are delighted that there is great progress of the Gospel, but there are millions (a billion!) more people to reach!
Even here in the USA where there are approximately 84 million evangelical Christians, a much higher percentage than China, yet we still have 234 million people to reach!** So do we need more disciples, leaders and churches in China and the USA? Absolutely! We need to take serious the opportunity to reach those in our community who don’t know our Jesus yet!
At the same time, we must know about the plight of billions of people outside of the easy reach of the Gospel. Billions of people on our globe don’t have a Bible, Body of Christ or even a Believer in Jesus in their lifepath! We must be informed about this reality!
To close our time we watched the following CONVICTING video–You Should Know:
We hope that sharing this outline of our workshop has been helpful to you! If you would like to chat with John or myself, please reach out to us via email at the links on our names above!
Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached
June 2015
I know I didn’t get this out at the beginning of the month, but since we are at the halfway point, I wanted to still send something out to you.
These last 6 weeks have held special times for our family…as we have multiple birthdays, end of the year concerts, award ceremonies, promotions, and a graduation from high school. Congrats to Kayla who graduated with honors from Los Alamitos High School.
We were blessed to have my Dad as well as Mindi’s Mom and Dad with us to celebrate several of these special milestones.
We are so blessed! Thanks for praying for us and standing with our family over many years!
Last month I shared about a vision trip heading to Chad, and that trip was a great success. We are actually in the process of building at least 3 coalitions to aid the indigenous work there:
1. Chad Medical Coalition: Partnering with the Chadian church leaders and evangelists and to aid their self-sustaining medical clinics and build a new surgical center where it is really needed.
2. Chad Educational Coalition: Partnering with the Chadian church to help start new Christian elementary schools and help their teachers get the training/certification they need to lead those schools.
3. Reaching the Least Reached: Relational bridge building and future church planting in the capital city of N’Djamena.
St. James Way Coalition
A unique evangelistic opportunity is afforded by thousands of pilgrims walking on the Caminho de Santiago or the St. James Way. In Western Europe, where spiritual conversations are a rarity, this experience is fertile ground for the church to relationally and spiritually connect for evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. The faithful Via Portus Cale ministry in Porto, Portugal has become a strategic dual initiative: along the caminho and in therefugio.
Because of the potential of this ministry, we have a St. James Way Coalition to help the ministry prosper for the sake of reaching the lost, discipling believers and equipping leaders.
Two different groups (one pictured above) have gone to walk the St. James Way and to serve pilgrims in this last month. I was also able to help one of the outstanding young ladies from our church, Mariah Shope, to go and serve as an intern later this month! Pray for her and for the equipping of more hosts and guides for the ministry!
Encounter SoCal
A cross-cultural experience in one of the most ethnically diverse geographic regions of the world — Southern California.When: August 10-14, 2015 (Monday 9am thru Friday 4pm)
Who: A learning community of only 20 High School Seniors, College Students, and Adults
Individual/Group Sign Up: For applications and info email Haley, or call 678-992-5313 x49.
Thanks for your support!
I wanted to thank you for your prayers, they make all the difference! Also, if you want to continue to mobilize the church for the sake of the least reached, you can make a tax-deductible donation to support my work using the Donate button.
Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached
May 2015
April held a special time for our family…as we got to take a special vacation. While we all looked pretty dapper, we got a family pic:
We are so blessed! Thanks for praying for us and standing with our family over many years!
Last month, I shared about being involved in creating, facilitating and resourcing networks for Great Commission good. Two of the networks had special events in the month of April. I thought I would share those events with you:
Communicators Network: This isn’t one I started, but a group of Grace Brethren communications folks have been getting together for a while now. They asked me to plan their April get together…and it was a very insightful time. I wrote a blog post with a recap, so if you are interested in more info about the Church & Social Media check it out: Communicators Communal Learning with special guest DJ Chuang.
Northern Iraq Summit: A variety of churches and ministries were called together around their work in this region to a one-day Summit at our Encompass headquarters in Atlanta. We had 13 people from 8 different churches and 7 different states for the day. Many stories were told and prayers were lifted for the peoples of this region. If your church is involved in Iraq and wants to know more, send me a message!
Great people are involved in each of these networks and I’m so privileged to be able to connect and resource so many great efforts!
Chad and Coalitions
A short-term vision trip team is heading to Chad this month (but not me this time). The team consists of several pastors (who represent churches considering partnering with Chad), Encompass leadership, and individuals that are considering long-term work in Chad.
The overall goals of the trip are:
1. For Encompass leadership to meet with, encourage, and teach Chadian church leaders and evangelists and to discuss together the direction of the ministry.
2. To visit different ministries in the capital and to brainstorm how churches can partner with in N’Djamena.
3. For 3 prospective people to get a first taste of Chad and to pursue God as to whether or not he is calling them there full time.
4. For partners to be cultivated for 2-3 different coalitions to work together with the national church for greater fruitfulness!
I am very excited about this team of 18 people! (Special Note: this is the largest short term team Encompass has ever sent to Chad)
I wanted to thank you for your prayers, they make all the difference! Also, if you want to continue to mobilize the church for the sake of the least reached, you can make a tax-deductible donation to support my work using the Donate button.
Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached
April 2015
Sorry, it’s been a while since I sent out an update. This isn’t because the ministry is going slowly…quite the opposite!
I have changed email newsletter systems (now with Mail Chimp), so hopefully I transferred everyone’s email addresses correctly! Feel free to share this update with others so they can pray and be participators in this amazing work!
Thanks to many of you who have financially supported the work the Lord is allowing me to do. I have been fully supported each of my two full years with Encompass! Thanks!
This month I wanted to share with you some of the nitty gritty of my work (in one specific aspect). I’m heavily involved in creating, facilitating and resourcing networks for Great Commission good. I’d love to share five of them with you, so you know and can pray…and can even JUMP IN!
Adoption, Orphan and Foster Care: This is one that the Bible is hot on…and we’ve been able to pull together some folks who are passionate about this into a Facebook group. If you are interested, you should join it here!
Church Mobilizers Network: A group of nearly 30 of us gathered in Columbus, OH in February to be challenged on how we could create “pathways” for people in our church to grow as disciple-makers and to be deployed as missionaries to the least-reached!
Communicators Network: This isn’t one I started, but a group of Grace Brethren communications folks have been getting together for a while now. They asked me to plan the next get together…and it’s gonna be great (ok…I’m biased). You can find out more about it at Connect & Equip for FGBC Communicators.
Northern Iraq Church to Church Partnerships: Grace Community Church in Goshen, IN was tapped on the shoulder by the Lord to DO SOMETHING to help in Iraq. Their journey has been amazing and they invited Encompass (and me) to walk with them and see what might be next. We are pulling together a Summit this month in Atlanta with some highly invested churches in the region. If your church is involved in Iraq and wants to be invited, send me a message!
Great people are involved in each of these networks and I’m so privileged to be able to connect and resource so many great efforts!
Thanks for your support!
I wanted to get this out to say thanks, and to mobilize you to pray!
I also wanted to say that our family is looking forward to a special Family Vacation next week during Spring Break! We are excited!
Mindi and I meeting with ethnic leaders from SoCal! On Saturday, August 30 we had a little gathering of leaders from Cambodia and Latin America for a little breakfast get together with Jesús Muñoz (our Cambodian brother left before the picture and our Japanese friends were on a retreat!). This gathering may emerge into a network of ethnic leaders who can spur one another on to make disciples and plant churches in the nations of our world!
The Latest Scoop
Sorry it has been a while since I’ve communicated to you via this means. The past few months have been full, as I’m sure they have for you!
At the FellowShift Conference this summer, Encompass sought to do something which would engage people in reaching the nations. We set up stations we called “Engagement Stations” with a variety of different ways to participate. We also created an online version of the Engagment Stations so you can participate right now! Check out all 7 online!
We also shared a variety of short 8 minute or less Engaging Talks which we dubbed E Talks. These were all videoed and will be available for viewing soon! I was able to share on Coalitions as well, so stay tuned! If it turned out well, I’ll pass it on and if not, well…you’ll never know!
Cameroon Leadership Training Coalition
Just yesterday, I talked via Skype with Jason Carmean in Cameroon! He and his family have been on the ground for one month and are adjusting well.
I’m excited to be part of a coalition that has committed for 5 years to seeing dozens and dozens of pastoral leaders trained for the more than 45 churches and 30+ church plants in Cameroon.
Dave Guiles has described this “as the greatest leadership development need the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches has seen in several generations.”
Pray for the Ongoing Ministry of the Château de St. Albain
Yesterday, September 3, 2014, was declared as a Day of Prayer for the Château by
Joël Rongier, president of Château Association.
Please join in praying and fasting for God to supply the following personnel needs for the Château so that ministries will continue without interruption:
1) A European business manager and coordinator: Pray especially for wisdom and direction for the Château steering committee to find the right people to fit into ministry leadership.
2) An American support couple: To care for the responsibilities of welcoming visitors, preparing and serving meals, maintenance and grounds work.
Our Château Coalition is seeking to publish a coffee-table book (in English, French and German) to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ministry and funds are needed to get it rolling.
Catalyzing Networks
Over the last few months, I’ve been part of catalyzing two really important networks:
One is aroundWomen in Church Planting. All over the world, women are involved in the church planting endeavor– moms, businesswomen, educators, missionaries, single women, etc. Many of these ladies don’t have a place to connect with others. Through the leadership of my friends Louise Klawitter and Jessica Robertson, this network has formed a Facebook group that is nurturing this network. It’s a secret group to hide the identities of some of our bravest women who are in closed countries, but if you send a message to Louise, she can get you synced up.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank YOU for your prayers and support which are vital to the Lord’s work in our world. I’m humbled and privileged to serve our King and alongside you!
Thanks so much for your financial gifts to support the work of reaching the least reached! Some of you have remained very diligent even without a lot of info from me! My work continues to be fruitful, so I want to encourage you to continue your pledge or consider a monthly gift!
Below are my notes from today just to share all the resources and ideas which were bounced around. OrphanAdoptFosterConvo2014_08-21
You can see a little Facebook page we started at It’s got some cool conversations and stories already rolling on it! This page is being used quite a bit and we will probably promote other events, etc. via that group.
It was suggested for a regular monthly call, using Skype. So let’s plan on the 3rd THURSDAY of the Month at 4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 1pm Pacific. We will schedule this out for 3 months:
November 20 as an experiment. Then we will see how it’s going.
I’ll be facilitating the conversation by Skype. My Skype name is “mikejentes” send me a friend request so I can add you to the call!
If I don’t know you, please feel free to email me your name (and Skype name) and introduce yourself so I can get in touch with you! Make the time for one of these calls and invite your friends wo are passionate about caring for orphans!
A burgeoning conversation has been going on over the last few months about adoption, orphan and foster care with some people who I really like, and who are INSPIRATIONAL! These folks aren’t just pontificators…they are difference makers!
I’m so excited to learn alongside an expert on Honor-Shame cultures. I find myself interacting with many people from Asia and this conversation will help me understand them and myself much better. I hope you can be there!
Have a conversation with an expert on HonorShame cultures! Jayson Georges is the missiologist-in-residence from Encompass World Partners. He will be here from Atlanta to share some of his latest learning on HonorShame cultures and how we can better sow the Gospel and grow relationships across cultures!
Did you know that there are three major cultural worldview orientations? The one which predominates the Western world is Justice-Guilt, but the Asian world is predominantly Honor-Shame. These orientations are important to undertand as we continue to live in a globalized world. They are really important as we look to live and share the Gospel across the street and around the world! Continue reading “Honor-Shame Conversation in Long Beach!”
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (PDT)
At SEKA Coffee on campus of Grace Long Beach, 3590 Elm Ave. Long Beach, CA
Have a conversation with an expert on HonorShame cultures! Jayson Georges is the missiologist-in-residence from Encompass World Partners. He will be here from Atlanta to share some of his latest learning on HonorShame cultures and how we can better sow the Gospel and grow relationships across cultures!
If you have ever moved, you know the disruption it causes to your life. Now imagine millions on the move sometimes in less than ideal circumstances. Some are simply moving to start a new life, but others are under much more extreme pressures. With a background of war, trafficking, job loss and countless other disruptors, people are finding themselves in many new places. What are you doing to meet them as they move?
Personal Reflection
A great place to start on the issues that surround the global movement of people is to identify with them. Think about a time when you have been new to a place. What feelings were dominant? What opportunities and challenges did you face? Then consider the people of Israel traveling through the desert, Jesus as a young boy in Egypt and Paul sitting under house arrest in Rome. What must they have been going through? As your empathy brings you face to face with real people in these situations, ask God how you should respond in love.
Engaging the Church
Do you know which communities of immigrants are within 20 miles of your church? It is easy to end up on Spiritual journeys of “sameness”. We can neglect those who are very close by but different than we are. Start by looking online to find out which immigrant communities are nearby. Then identify some of the ministries in town who are serving those communities. Also, find out if some of the countries where you are supporting mission work globally have communities of immigrants you can also be reaching out to. Find ways to include these communities within your community of faith. How can you show them God’s love as you invite them into your midst?