Passion Week in the Gospel of Mark

Passion Week in the Gospel of Mark – Overview


Section Title



Sunday Triumphal Entry Mk 11:1-11
Tuesday Cursing of the Fig Tree Mk 11:12-14
Tuesday Cleansing of the Temple Mk 11:15-19 Drives out the money changers in the temple area
Wednesday The Withered Fig Tree Mk 11:20-25 Delayed illustration of faith
Wednesday Controversy Mk 11:27-12:37 Jesus questioned & teaches many things
Wednesday Condemnation of the Scribes and Pharisees Mk 12:38-40
Wednesday Jesus’ Observation of the Widow Mk 12:41-44
Wednesday Olivet Discourse Mk 13:1-37 Jesus’ long teaching about the future
Wednesday Prediction of Crucifixion Mk 14:1-2 “It was now two days before the Passover celebration”(14:1)
Wednesday Anointing by Mary Mk 14:3-9
Wednesday Betrayal Contract Mk 14:10-11
Thursday The Last Meal Mk 14:12-25 Likely this was not the Passover meal, because that would have been Friday
Thursday Peter’s Denial Foretold Mk 14:26-31 Likely during the walk to Mt. of Olives
Thursday In the Garden Mk 14:26, 32-42
Thursday Betrayal Kiss and Arrest Mk 14:43-52 Mark probably includes himself in the reference of the naked man running way
Thursday Trial before Caiaphas Mk 14:53, 55-65
Thursday The Denial of Peter Mk 14:54, 66-72
Thursday Trial before Sanhedrin Mk 15:1 Trial isn’t elaborated here (Lk 22:66-71)
Friday Trial before Pilate Mk 15:1-5
Friday Return to Pilate Mk 15:6-15
Friday Mockery by Soldiers Mk 15:16-19
Friday The Way to the Skull Mk 15:20-23
Friday Crucifixion Mk 15:24-41
Friday Burial Mk 15:42-46
Saturday Sabbath day Mk 16:1 A day of rest and mourning
Sunday He’s Alive! Mk 16:1-8 Reporting on the empty tomb
Sunday The Resurrection Appearances (Mk 16:9-13) The most reliable manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.
Days Later Seeing the Disciples again and the Great Commission (Mk 16:14-18)
Forty Days Later Ascension (Mk 16:19-20) Jesus returns to heaven

This is an abbreviated version/chart excerpted from a larger paper entitled:

“A Chronological Study of Life of Christ”  by MikeJentes


Palm Sunday  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday

Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Resurrection Sunday

 Later   40 days Later    Overview Chart

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