May Mobilization Update on Iraq, Chad, Communications and more from @MikeJentes
April Encompass Newsletter
Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least ReachedApril 2015 Sorry, it’s been a while since I sent out an update. This isn’t because the ministry is going slowly…quite the opposite! I have changed email newsletter systems (now with Mail Chimp), so hopefully I transferred everyone’s email addresses correctly! Feel free to share this update with others so they can pray and be participators in this amazing work! Thanks to many of you who have financially supported the work the Lord is allowing me to do. I have been fully supported each of my two full years with Encompass! Thanks! |
NetworksThis month I wanted to share with you some of the nitty gritty of my work (in one specific aspect). I’m heavily involved in creating, facilitating and resourcing networks for Great Commission good. I’d love to share five of them with you, so you know and can pray…and can even JUMP IN!
Great people are involved in each of these networks and I’m so privileged to be able to connect and resource so many great efforts! |
Thanks for your support!I wanted to get this out to say thanks, and to mobilize you to pray! I also wanted to say that our family is looking forward to a special Family Vacation next week during Spring Break! We are excited! Press on, — |
September E-newsletter from @MikeJentes
Mindi and I meeting with ethnic leaders from SoCal! On Saturday, August 30 we had a little gathering of leaders from Cambodia and Latin America for a little breakfast get together with Jesús Muñoz (our Cambodian brother left before the picture and our Japanese friends were on a retreat!). This gathering may emerge into a network of ethnic leaders who can spur one another on to make disciples and plant churches in the nations of our world! |
The Latest Scoop |
Sorry it has been a while since I’ve communicated to you via this means. The past few months have been full, as I’m sure they have for you!
At the FellowShift Conference this summer, Encompass sought to do something which would engage people in reaching the nations. We set up stations we called “Engagement Stations” with a variety of different ways to participate. We also created an online version of the Engagment Stations so you can participate right now! Check out all 7 online!
Just yesterday, I talked via Skype with Jason Carmean in Cameroon! He and his family have been on the ground for one month and are adjusting well. I’m excited to be part of a coalition that has committed for 5 years to seeing dozens and dozens of pastoral leaders trained for the more than 45 churches and 30+ church plants in Cameroon. Dave Guiles has described this “as the greatest leadership development need the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches has seen in several generations.”
One of the ways you can help is by supporting the first modules of Bible training supporting the first modules of Bible training–please consider a gift! |
Pray for the Ongoing Ministry of the Château de St. Albain
Yesterday, September 3, 2014, was declared as a Day of Prayer for the Château by Joël Rongier, president of Château Association. Please join in praying and fasting for God to supply the following personnel needs for the Château so that ministries will continue without interruption: 1) A European business manager and coordinator: Pray especially for wisdom and direction for the Château steering committee to find the right people to fit into ministry leadership. 2) An American support couple: To care for the responsibilities of welcoming visitors, preparing and serving meals, maintenance and grounds work. Our Château Coalition is seeking to publish a coffee-table book (in English, French and German) to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ministry and funds are needed to get it rolling. |
Catalyzing Networks
Over the last few months, I’ve been part of catalyzing two really important networks: One is around Women in Church Planting. All over the world, women are involved in the church planting endeavor– moms, businesswomen, educators, missionaries, single women, etc. Many of these ladies don’t have a place to connect with others. Through the leadership of my friends Louise Klawitter and Jessica Robertson, this network has formed a Facebook group that is nurturing this network. It’s a secret group to hide the identities of some of our bravest women who are in closed countries, but if you send a message to Louise, she can get you synced up.
A second network is forming for those who are passionate about Adoption, Orphan & Foster Care. This budding network, in addition to it’s Facebook Group is holding monthly Skype calls where folks from all over the world can call in and participate. Find out more on my blog about this group.
THANK YOU! I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank YOU for your prayers and support which are vital to the Lord’s work in our world. I’m humbled and privileged to serve our King and alongside you! |
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Read the entire September 2014 E-newsletter online
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Read my February 2014 e-newsletter
Read my December 2013 E-Newsletter
Read my August 2013 e-newsletter
Read my June 2013 e-newsletter
Read my May 2013 e-newsletter
Read my April 2013 e-newsletter
On My Way to Africa
I was asked to join a special opportunity with Encompass ( the pic above was drawn by Katja) in the country of Chad. I’m actually at the airport in LA getting ready to depart!
I will have the chance to visit our strong work in the Southern region of Chad with Africa Director Frank Puhl. Also I’ll get to visit a training center, Bible Institute, a hospital as well as the President of the Chadian Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches ( with 250+ churches! More than the USA!).
After that we will be scouting the capital city of N’Djamena for a few days with a team from Akron, Ohio. Please pray for Jesus to show us what He wants to do in advancing His work in that great city.
I’m thankful for the Lord’s guidance and direction for this trip as it will be my first to Africa. From the time I was a little boy, I’ve prayed for Africa, and now I get to go.
I’d appreciate your prayers for me on the trip and for Mindi and the rest of the family at home.
A Video About Chad from Encompass World Partners
December E-newsletter from @MikeJentes

Our greatest achievement over this year has been seeing Mindi become a Doctor! On the 14th of December she graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from the Southern California University of Health Sciences / Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. We are deeply indebted to you for your prayers and support over this journey!
The Latest Scoop |
Read the Entire December 2013 E-Newsletter
My E-newsletter Archive: |
August E-newsletter from @MikeJentes
The Latest Scoop |
Whew…it’s been a busy summer lot of travel! Kayla, Korey and I attended the Momentum Youth Conference with a theme of “I Am Second.” It was a powerful week with great moments of worship, spiritual challenge and making friends.
With Encompass World Partners we did a special project called the 533 Challenge.
We built a wall and filled it with the faces of the least-reached nations in our world – 533 people groups (approximately 70 million people) who have little or no opportunity to hear the gospel. In order to direct prayer toward these peoples, we asked students to take part in the “533 Challenge” – a challenge to pray daily for the least-reached over the next 30 days.
And then the work of praying every day began. It is hard to believe that the 30 Day Prayer Challenge portion just concluded yesterday. Below is an excellent video which gets at the heart of why we did the 533 Challenge. |
See all of my August E-newsletter from @MikeJentes.
My E-newsletter Archive:
Read my June 2013 e-newsletter
Read my May 2013 e-newsletter
Read my April 2013 e-newsletter
June E-newsletter from @MikeJentes
Still plenty to pray for… |
We are still praying and working toward a strong and effective coalition for each region of our world – Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America. Continue to pray for the coalition for the World Cup. We seek to come alongside the Brasilian Church for outreach, discipleship and church planting around arguably the largest world-wide event! Your prayers are needed for the Spirit to direct the Brasilian Church as to how He wants them to seize this opportunity. Although the World Cup isn’t until June 2014, the time is short to pull this off. Would you pray for great progress in the coming weeks? Would you also pray for God’s guidance in forming coalitions around the Unengaged, Unreached People Groups? There is great interest, but this will be some of the hardest work we’ve ever done. |
See all of my June E-newsletter from @MikeJentes.
My E-newsletter Archive:
Read my May 2013 e-newsletter
Read my April 2013 e-newsletter
May E-newsletter from @MikeJentes | Mobilizing the church for the sake of the unreached
A Time of Incremental Progress |
I had the privilege of sharing our progress with the Global Leadership Team of Encompass at the end of April. It was very affirming and sharpening as well. Since that time, we are praying and working toward a strong and effective coalition for each region of our world – Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America! The highest-profile, most-time sensitive one I’ll highlight for you. We have approached the leaders of the Brasilian Grace Brethren Churches with an opportunity to have a coalition for the World Cup. We seek to come alongside them for outreach, discipleship and church planting around arguably the largest world-wide event!Your prayers are needed for the Spirit to direct the Brasilian Church as to how He wants them to seize this opportunity. Although the World Cup isn’t until June – July of next year, the time is short to pull this off. Would you pray for great progress in the coming weeks? |
Read the Rest of the MAY E-newsletter from Mike Jentes.
Read the April 2013 e-newsletter
The First & April E-newsletter from @MikeJentes | Mobilizing the church for the sake of the unreached
A New Role and the Ball is Rolling |
![]() I need your prayers for following up on the leaders and churches from these meetings. We asked these leaders to pray and seek the Lord about next steps. Pray for me as I have the joy of sifting through all that God and trying to form some coalitions. |
What Are We Talking About? |
– a covenant group of churches, leaders or ministries – cooperating in joint action – together for a common purpose. This is the simplest definition, but a potent one. We believe that moving forward together in joint action as teams will truly be the future of mobilization. There are a host of coalitions in formation right now. Please Pray that there would be 3 solid coalitions by next month. |
Read all of my first E-newsletter (April 2013) from @Mike Jentes