We started talking in earnest with the Los Altos Grace Church leadership about a year ago (where I’ve been serving on the pastoral staff for 10 years), but finally announced a transition at the end of 2018. You can listen to my announcement: “We are Pregnant: Los Altos Grace starting a new spiritual family.”
We are going to remain in our home in East Long Beach and seek to gather a new spiritual family in the Greater Long Beach area. We are seeking to be as sensitive as we can to the existing churches…but we know there are tens of thousands of lost people, so the fields are white for harvest in SoCal. We are thankful that Los Altos Grace is supporting and sending us to start a new church!
You can track with our church plant online at LosAltosGrace.org/plant some of our progress on my website at MikeJentes.com.
See below for upcoming events and opportunities that I’ll be engaging with–I hope you’ll be praying!
Wooster, Ohio: On Friday of this week, I’ll be meeting with mission leaders from 10 churches around the country to encourage their global engagement. This is an invite only event, but an important opportunity for churches with massive impact!
March 9, 2019 in Wooster, Ohio: Connect & Equip is a missions conference for everyone interested in missions to interact with cutting edge speakers, training, dialogue, inspiration & challenge! The time for engaging our world on mission–across the street and around the world is NOW!We believe a day of Connecting & Equipping will further what God wants to do in our world! Check out the details and register online at ConnectEquip.com or at the Door!
Mission Day: Being back in Ohio will afford me the opportunity to be back at my home church in Rittman, Ohio. I’m thankful that Pastor Bud and the church family has asked me to share with the congregation at 9:30am for the Sunday School hour and also during the 10:30 Worship Service. If you are in NE Ohio I’d love to see you at Rittman Grace for Mission Day.
Read this entire update online:
We started talking in earnest with the Los Altos Grace Church leadership about a year ago (where I’ve been serving on the pastoral staff for 10 years), but finally announced a transition at the end of 2018. You can listen to my announcement: “We are Pregnant: Los Altos Grace starting a new spiritual family.”
Below is part of the commissioning service for the Jentes family on January 27, 2019:We are going to remain in our home in East Long Beach and seek to gather a new spiritual family in the Greater Long Beach area. We are seeking to be as sensitive as we can to the existing churches…but we know there are tens of thousands of lost people, so the fields are white for harvest in SoCal. We are thankful that Los Altos Grace is supporting and sending us!
A Sincere Thank You I mean it, THANK YOU. Many of you personally sacrifice your time and treasure to support me for my work with Encompass World Partners. Your prayers and financial support are vital for me to continue serving as a mobilizer. Please keep it up as there is still much work to do! Below are some updates that you should be encouraged by…and pray for…and a way to contribute to the continued work of reaching the toughest places on our planet! |
New People Group getting the GospelUn We celebrate that this Christmas, this group which may have never had the Gospel before, now has at least as one church in their language and culture to be a light! |
Bible Institute Graduates First Class!
You can see more about the graduation and Bible Institute from the Director Dr. Jason Carmean via email newsletter or on Facebook. We are excited that a whole new group of students have been accepted and are making plans even now for the second class of the Bible Institute. You can contribute to the new class starting in 2019 online. |
Resources You Should Know About |
Discovering Global Missions
I had the privilege to lead a four week class at Los Altos Grace using the book. Our friends at Grace Connect recently published an article about the class which you can read online here! |
Missions Conference
Encounter SoCalA cross-cultural immersion experience in one of the most ethnically diverse geographic regions of the count |
Grace Leaders NetworkI In addition, this year in our Grace Churches Network |
You can sign up to receive these updates and see old issues of the newsletter online
My E-newsletter Archive:
August 2015 E-newsletter on Mail Chimp
June 2015 E-newsletter on Mail Chimp
May 2015 E-newsletter on Mail Chimp
April 2015 E-newsletter on Mail Chimp
Read the September 2014 E-newsletter
Read my February 2014 e-newsletter
Read my December 2013 E-Newsletter
Read my August 2013 e-newsletter
Read my June 2013 e-newsletter
Read my May 2013 e-newsletter
Read my April 2013 e-newsletter
Posted and first thought by John Ward
Mobilizers, we have an important role to play in helping the church in North America embrace a vision for local and global mission.
Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least ReachedApril 2015 Sorry, it’s been a while since I sent out an update. This isn’t because the ministry is going slowly…quite the opposite! I have changed email newsletter systems (now with Mail Chimp), so hopefully I transferred everyone’s email addresses correctly! Feel free to share this update with others so they can pray and be participators in this amazing work! Thanks to many of you who have financially supported the work the Lord is allowing me to do. I have been fully supported each of my two full years with Encompass! Thanks! |
NetworksThis month I wanted to share with you some of the nitty gritty of my work (in one specific aspect). I’m heavily involved in creating, facilitating and resourcing networks for Great Commission good. I’d love to share five of them with you, so you know and can pray…and can even JUMP IN!
Great people are involved in each of these networks and I’m so privileged to be able to connect and resource so many great efforts! |
Thanks for your support!I wanted to get this out to say thanks, and to mobilize you to pray! I also wanted to say that our family is looking forward to a special Family Vacation next week during Spring Break! We are excited! Press on, — |
Shoutout to Matt Higby and the Japanese Ministries of Greater LA for this plug via @EncompassWorld:
Want to know how to pray 4 the people of Japan? This Facebook group from 1 of our missionaries will get you started: http://t.co/OkXG2YLg0L
— Encompass (@EncompassWorld) January 2, 2015
So excited and proud of my friend, Sara Lindsay ( or Mrs. Dolmage as some call her) to release her new album TODAY! I’ve got mine…and you gotta get yours!!!
This passage was part of our call to worship today @LosAltosGrace.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:29-31 NIV)
Thanks Pete Anderson for sharing!
If you have ever moved, you know the disruption it causes to your life. Now imagine millions on the move sometimes in less than ideal circumstances. Some are simply moving to start a new life, but others are under much more extreme pressures. With a background of war, trafficking, job loss and countless other disruptors, people are finding themselves in many new places. What are you doing to meet them as they move?
Personal Reflection
A great place to start on the issues that surround the global movement of people is to identify with them. Think about a time when you have been new to a place. What feelings were dominant? What opportunities and challenges did you face? Then consider the people of Israel traveling through the desert, Jesus as a young boy in Egypt and Paul sitting under house arrest in Rome. What must they have been going through? As your empathy brings you face to face with real people in these situations, ask God how you should respond in love.
Engaging the Church
Do you know which communities of immigrants are within 20 miles of your church? It is easy to end up on Spiritual journeys of “sameness”. We can neglect those who are very close by but different than we are. Start by looking online to find out which immigrant communities are nearby. Then identify some of the ministries in town who are serving those communities. Also, find out if some of the countries where you are supporting mission work globally have communities of immigrants you can also be reaching out to. Find ways to include these communities within your community of faith. How can you show them God’s love as you invite them into your midst?
One of the most annoying things about my iPhone (which I really, really love) is the challenge of deleting a lot of photos (when you have thousands!) without deleting ALL of them. I’ve searched many different times with NO resolution.
My phone told me again… “Cannot Take Photo” you gotta make room by deleting pictures again today. So off to Google again.
To my pleasant surprise I found the following help!
How to mass delete camera roll photos in 3 clicks
1. Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to your Mac;
2. Open the Image Capture;
3. Select the photos you want to delete:
and click the delete button. [It’s the “red” bottom at the bottom of the Image Capture screen.]
(thanks to this Apple Community Post deep into the thread)