Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached
August 2015
The summer has been full with activity and ministry, too full to even write a newsletter ;-).
In July, I had the privilege to share in the Sunday morning service on Disciple Making & Mission @ Norwalk Grace Brethren Church, in Norwalk, CA. (hear’s therecording and powerpoint) What a neat church family with a heritage of engaging the world!
In late July, I was off to Atlanta for Encompass Family Reunion where it was great to catch up with many of our deployed staff who were back in the USA for home ministries. This time was rich for relationship renewal and even for the connections of future partnerships.

To wrap up that week away, I was in New York City (okay staying in Newark, NJ) at theFlinch Conference with our Grace Brethren Family. The theme on taking RISKs for Jesus was very powerful through messages and testimonies. You should check out some of thevideos of main session talks and audios of the workshops online.
I had the privilege to lead 2 workshops:
1) A Candid Conversation about Bi-Vocational Church Leadership with a whole panel of leaders, and
2) The Great Debate: Missions Vs. Missional with John Ward (handout)
Neither of these workshops got recorded, but I posted my powerpoints at the links above for you.
From a family side, we also sent our oldest daughter, Kayla, off to Grace College. Here’s a little pic of us at a send off for her the night before she left!
(Thanks Flinch Conference for the selfie stick…we used it in Long Beach too..not just in NYC.)