I’ve been asked by a few people about getting started with Twitter. I’m not an expert, but I play with it (a lot), and I believe it is a significant tool for work/ministry.
Rather than rewrite a bunch of things that other “experts” wrote, I’ll just post a few articles that really helped me by a couple of guys I really respect in this area- @MichaelHyatt & @ScottWilliams
Here’s a Beginners Guide – to just set up Twitter and get you going
How Can Christian Leaders Get Started with Social Media?
This video is actually from a few years back, but is still relevant in talking about the how’s & why’s…
@ScottWilliams giving his Top 10 Ways Twitter Can Make a Difference
What about my organization or ministry? @ScottWilliams gives some practical how to’s:
On promoting a book or project/event, this post by @MichaelHyatt is learning from a Jedi
How to get ReTweeted…great stuff from @ScottWilliams on your content becoming more viral by being shared!
Those articles & ideas have been VERY helpful to me. If this has been helpful to you, give me a tweet, or retweet @MikeJentes !