
TruthQuest is a learning system that encourages a learning community rather than a lecture/listen format. We are seeking to grow deeper in knowledge and understanding of the Scripture and to apply those Scriptures to our lives in the present. To that end we will spend time at the end of each session working on how the Scriptures actually work themselves into the fabric of our lives.

Each session will have a topic and we encourage everyone to scour the Scriptures to inform the group about the topic. The goal is actually becoming good, life-long learners, rather than having every bit of minutia nailed down. There are also many who have studied and written down their understanding on these theological topics.  We recommend learning from those who have gone before as well.  You might want to pick up one or two of these resources to aid your learning. (see below) 

Recommended Books

Since we are going to be learning together…and from those who have gone on before, we thought we would post some of the books we recommend for you to consult in your learning…

Recommended Theology Books: 
Ryrie, Charles.  Basic Theology
Thiessen, Henry C. Lectures in Systematic Theology
Boice, James M. Foundations of the Christian Faith
Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
Williams, J. Rodman. Renewal Theology: Systematic Theology from a Charismatic Perspective
Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology
Grenz, Stanley. Theology for the Community of God

The Great Challenges of the City by Albert Mohler

“An honest evaluation of church history should serve to remind Christians that there has often been some hesitation to embrace the city. After all, when in the Book of Genesis Lot chose the cities of the plain for his habitation, it led to disaster. With the exception of Jerusalem, most cities referenced in the Bible are mentioned with considerable concern, if not outright judgment. Think of Nineveh, Babylon, Tyre, Sidon, Sodom, Gomorrah, Corinth, and Rome.”

To read the entire article please go to Albert Mohler’s blog
From thechurchplanter blog by Kurt Miller

The Father is a “Seeker”

I had an amazing meditation time today thinking about this:

But the time is coming and is already here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship him that way. NLT John 4:23

I have read this a gazillion times, but the truth of that last sentence astounded me…the Father is looking for worshippers. WOW. He is the “seeker” of people who will bow their life down toward Him. He is the one on the Go, on the Lookout, the aggressor in nudging people toward worshipping Him.

What an amazing God we serve…one who created us and one who comes after us even when we have built walls between ourself and Him. May we worship–bow our life down towards Him–that way…the way He wants, the way he seeks!