3 passages to look over about God revealing Himself:
Psalm 19
Romans 1:20
Hebrews 1:1-4
Here’s an article to consider on the subject of Revelation:
Revelation — God unveiled Himself to us how?
Each session will have a topic and we encourage everyone to scour the Scriptures to inform the group about the topic. The goal is actually becoming good, life-long learners, rather than having every bit of minutia nailed down. There are also many who have studied and written down their understanding on these theological topics. We recommend learning from those who have gone before as well. You might want to pick up one or two of these resources to aid your learning. (see below)
Since we are going to be learning together…and from those who have gone on before, we thought we would post some of the books we recommend for you to consult in your learning…
Hey…here’s a spot we can post and comment and more about our Truth Quest learning community. Just carving out some space.
Book Review: NEW BOOK – Upward, Outward, Inward by @scottcheatham http://ow.ly/3enqi
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Being an on mission church is not about size, staff or structure. Neither is it about a specific program. The magnitude of its mission giving or the multitude of its outreach efforts does not make a church an on mission church. An on mission church is more about a congregations passion than its percentages. It focuses more on its burden than its bigness. Gods mission in the world and His biblical mandate drives an on mission church to become a world mission strategy center.
An on mission church embraces the Great Commission and engages the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a church committed to starting new churches, strengthening existing churches and sending workers into the harvest fields. It is a church that encourages, equips, empowers and expects every member to be personally involved in Gods mission enterprise. An on mission congregation prays, gives, knows and goes on mission with God. Its a church of people burdened for the lostness of all nations that seeks to create ways to reach its Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Most of all, its a church with the glory of God as its ultimate goal and primary purpose.