About Me

Mike Jentes is a follower of Jesus, husband, father, church planter, missional leader, shepherd and networker. He currently serves as the Coordinator of Mobilization Initiatives with Encompass World Partners and has been sent out after 10 years of serving at Los Altos Grace Church to plant a new church in in Greater Long Beach, California  (LosAltosGrace.org/plant).

In 2008 after planting thequest, a network of house churches in Columbus, OH, the Jentes family moved to Long Beach where Mike served as Coordinator Church Multiplication Associates / CMA Resources and with Los Altos Grace. While in SoCal, Mike is most proud that his wife Mindi completed her Doctorate in Chiropractic and now owns her own practice-Brio Wellness Center. He also beams with joy about their 4 children.

Mike joined the team of Encompass World Partners in January 2013 to be the Coordinator of Mobilization Initiatives. This role involves serving leaders and churches to catalyze mobilization toward cross-cultural mission. Encompass is aggressively pursuing more meaningful engagement for churches and leaders and more fruitful work around the globe.

Selected by his ministry leader peers in 2014 to serve the regional network of Grace Churches, Mike has served and shared vision for a fresh push of ministry together in the SoCal area. You can see more about the work and resources of these churches and the even broader Grace Leaders Network online.

I am a networker and resource sharer, so I’m really glad for this way to capture and share what I’ve been learning and doing to help you!

More about me:  Check out my life on Facebook and you can see my Tweets and my pics on Instagram.

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