September 2019 Update – Mobilizing the Church for the Sake of the Least Reached

September 2019 Update

graduationLet’s start this update with info about our family as this year is a crazy one for the Jentes Haus.

On June 22, our son Korey got married to his high school sweetheart Kaelyn! We had a wonderful celebration and I was honored that they asked me to officiate the service (in the picture you’ll see our longtime adopted family member Heike who flew in from Germany!). After their wedding and honeymoon they drove cross country back to Indiana as they work on finishing up at Grace College.

Speaking of weddings, our daughter Kayla and her fiancé Zach are up next on December 21st! Last week, Kayla also reached an important milestone at her “White Coat Ceremony” where she was donned the honor and responsibility of practicing medical care! She is now doing her clerkship (or residency) and working with doctors and caring for patients in her chiropractic studies!

Our son Kevin started his first year at Grace College last month. He is having a blast having conversations with many people, living away from home and learning a bunch. We are proud and hope we will hear a little bit of news from him :-).

Our youngest, Katja completed her tour over the summer with a Drum and Bugle Corp called Blue Devils. She unfortunately got a concussion at the end of the season and has been on limitations with her school studies and her high school color guard. Please be praying that she will fully heal and be able to be healthy for the challenges of school and life.

Whew it is crazy in our world…and so thanks for praying for our kids (and new ones coming into the family!), and for my amazing wife, Dr. Mindi, who is still running her own Chiropractic office in this zaniness!

Circles of Grace

As if we didn’t have enough, early this year we were sent out to plant a new church!  We’ve been plugging along connecting with people and seeking to live our our faith in our new church expression. We’ve been meeting in the public park regularly on Sundays centered around Jesus and His Word.

Keep praying for us to sow the Gospel, make disciples and enlarge our circles! Circles Of GraceWe also need financial supporters for our effort and you can see how to contribute online at (where you can also track with what we are doing together!)

You can see the rest of this email update online