A Sincere Thank You I mean it, THANK YOU. Many of you personally sacrifice your time and treasure to support me for my work with Encompass World Partners. Your prayers and financial support are vital for me to continue serving as a mobilizer. Please keep it up as there is still much work to do!
Below are some updates that you should be encouraged by…and pray for…and a way to contribute to the continued work of reaching the toughest places on our planet!
New People Group getting the Gospel
Un engaged Unreached People Groups: The picture to the right is a list of people groups that our partner churches have planted churches in Chad, Africa. The number 6 people group on this list–the Kulfe–was a group that no one was going to with the Gospel. They were considered an Unengaged Unreached People Group and were cataloged on the Finishing The Task list – see the detail on the Kulfe here.
We celebrate that this Christmas, this group which may have never had the Gospel before, now has at least as one church in their language and culture to be a light!
Bible Institute Graduates First Class!
Cameroon Leadership Training Coalition: On Saturday August 11 hundreds of people attended a historic Bible Institute graduation for 31 families (Bible Institute trains both the men & their wives!) in Yaoundé, Cameroon. What a privilege for me to be the coordinator of this coalition of churches who facilitated this effort over the last 5 years! Your support of me helped make this happen!
You can see more about the graduation and Bible Institute from the Director Dr. Jason Carmean via email newsletter or on Facebook. We are excited that a whole new group of students have been accepted and are making plans even now for the second class of the Bible Institute. You can contribute to the new class starting in 2019 online.
Resources You Should Know About
Missions Conference
March 9, 2019 in Wooster, Ohio: Connect & Equip is a missions conference for everyone interested in missions to interact with cutting edge speakers, training, dialogue, inspiration & challenge! The time for engaging our world on mission–across the street and around the world is NOW!We believe a day of Connecting & Equipping will further what God wants to do in our world! Check out the details and register now online at ConnectEquip.com
Encounter SoCal
A cross-cultural immersion experience in one of the most ethnically diverse geographic regions of the count ry – Southern California: If you want to come see my world and the great mission opportunities that are available in a short-term mission trip, check out Encounter SoCal online, shoot me an email and we can talk about it for the coming year!
Grace Leaders Network
I f you are in Southern California, then you should seek to connect with one of these great Network Gatherings in 2019. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 10am-Noon at different Grace Churches. It’s a time of connecting, encouraging and equipping for ministry leaders! Find out more by checking out the Grace Leaders Network
In addition, this year in our Grace Churches Network we added one Spanish speaking church and are looking forward to many exciting things in the year to come.
Thanks for your support!
I wanted to thank you for your prayers, they make all the difference! Also, if you want to continue to mobilize the church for the sake of the least reached with Encompass, you can make a tax-deductible donation to support my work using the Donate button. Or you can mail a check with my name designated to “Encompass World Partners” PO Box 3298 Monument, CO 80132-3290
Press on,
Mike Jentes
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