On this very day seven years ago, one of my friends and a spiritual giant, stepped into the face-to-face presence of Jesus. Mark Palmer influenced me and many others who had the privilege of walking alongside him.
He was the only one of my friends who had a “one-word name.” Like Cher or Bono, he was just Palmer. He was tall physically, and even taller in his love of God. He walked through joy and great tragedy in his short life on our planet. The ripples of his influence are still echoing peace (or “el pida”) to many.
I’m not sure what all to say as I attempt to piece words together in Palmer’s memory. I suppose I will never be as articulate as him, nor shall I try. Instead of dribbling over my words, I’ll just share the words left with each one who attended his memorial service:
Hopefully this is worthy remembrance. Below are some links that might shed more light on Palmer.
I’m praying today for the two loves of his life that are still making an impact on this world – Amy and Micah.
A link to the Columbus Dispatch Obituary for Palmer
A link to the Memorial Service Program
Blogpost of Palmer’s Day by Alan Creech
Words by Palmer remembered and posted by Kevin Rains
An article on “Organic Church Pioneers Remembered” by Neil Cole