In 2011 Mission Britain sent out a survey to people involved in simple/organic/house/missional churches in the UK and Ireland. We wanted to see where things were at and what is happening on the ground through these forms of Churches. We have examined the statistics and put together a Report which you can download for free. Please feel free to pass this report onto people who you feel might be interested.
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Over recent years the Church of Jesus Christ in the UK and Ireland has been in rapid decline and retreat. Church attendance figures have decreased dramatically leaving dwindling congregations and empty church buildings. It is now common to see old ‘Church buildings’ transformed into carpet warehouses, MOT garages or Sikh temples.
At the same time, over the past 40 years or so (a biblical generation), the work of the enemy has increased rapidly through the introduction of lawless ‘Laws’, and the eroding of Biblical values in the main spheres of society including family life, education, government, economics, media and arts. Our society is becoming increasingly hostile to ‘Christianity’. Visible signs of this are seen through media articles concerning the banning of Bibles in hospitals and B+B’s and the removing of crosses and ‘Christian symbols’ in public spaces.
Vast swathes of people are also leaving the ‘institutional church’ (whether they be traditional or more ‘modern’ churches)…
>>Click here to download and read the rest of the report:
Simple/Organic/House/Missional Church in the UK and Ireland (2011 PDF)
The report was carried out by Mission Britain and Ireland
See also: