New Issue of “thechurchplanter” hot off the press!

Our 10th issue of “thechurchplanter” is hot off the press. It will take a bit of time to get them mailed out to all our churches, but there will be some preview copies available at our FGBC National Conference next week.

The Topic for this Issue is Women and Church Planting. Here is the cover…as a teaser. Be looking for it soon!

Recent Back Issues:

Essential Evangelists

Churches Planting Churches


Living Stuff Before Organizational Stuff

Here is the latest from thechurchplanter blog…the blog connected to thechurchplanter mini-magazine of Kurt Miller

2 Replies to “New Issue of “thechurchplanter” hot off the press!”

  1. You can email me Mike-the assistant editor-at

    It looks like you are inquiring at the right time because we are rebuilding our list of church planters. So drop me an email and we’ll get a copy out to you in the mail soon!

    By the way, I’m praying for your September launch! Press on!


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