God Encounter


I just got off of a conference call with men and women from Philly to Florida to Indiana to Ohio to Canada to California to Alaska! This group from all parts of our continent called in to PRAY for our Fellowship!

In what Tom Julien and Roger Peugh have dubbed a “God Encounter,” this humble and regular time of praying together via a conference call is a potent piece of our Fellowship. I’m thankful for this opportunity and I trust that many more will carve out one hour each month to participate in corporate or “conference” praying.

These regular times of prayer were spawned by the insightful and inspiring times of prayer at our National Conference in Atlanta in 2013.  Early each morning our mentor, Tom Julien shared about prayer…and got us into the work and joy of praying! We thought it was worth continuing– via a monthly conference call.

If you are interested in participating in these God Encounters, please email Tom Julien to get the information to call into these special times of prayer.

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